Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My baloney detector exploded last night

Anyone who's read Philip E. Johnson's book "Defeating Darwinism" will understand what I'm talking about in the title. As you probably know, if you know me, a NOVA program on Intelligent Design was run on PBS (Propoganda Broadcasting Service is what it REALLY stands for). I am telling you, that thing was only a little more of a documentary than Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." The whole thing was completely biased, and was just one enormous, reeking smear on Intelligent Design. It was so thoroughly riddled with inaccuracies and thinly disguised smears that I did something I've never done before: I yelled at the TV. It constantly referred to Intelligent Design theory as "creationism," which it most certainly is NOT!!! It gave examples of Christians burning a mural showing the evolution of man and sending hate mail to the parents who filed a lawsuit against the Dover, Pensylvania high school. Yeah, and I'm quite sure that the evolutionists never did crap like that! The lawsuit was filed because the school required that a short statement be read that stated that Darwinism was just a theory and recommended students to a book about I.D. They did not cancel out Darwinism, so what was the big deal? Oh, wait, I forgot that I.D. was "religion," and therefore is unconstitutional to teach. Never mind that the First Amendment specifically states that it is limited to CONGRESS passing laws about religion! In fact, it was expected for the states to pass religious laws, and originally the states were mostly specific denominations. If a school wanted to ban Darwinism and teach Genesis instead, it's perfectly constitutional. Not necessarily right, but certainly constitutional. Then there were the arguments in the courtroom reenactment. Those from the evolution side were absolutely PATHETIC! Archeopterix (hope I spelled that right)! Wierd fish fossil! Mouse trap used as tie clip! Yes, that last one was a real argument against the mousetrap example of irreducible complexity. Those must have been the weakest arguments in favor of Darwinism I've ever seen. I've seen better from comments on Youtube for goodness' sake! Unfortunately, I didn't get to see how the trial ended, but I can probably guess. Oh yeah, and some of the ones that were against teaching "religion" and filed the freaking lawsuit supposedly lead a Bible school as well. It even showed a video of them singing hymns with some kids. Is it just me, or is that kinda contradictory? They file a lawsuit against teaching Intelligent Design, and yet lead a Bible study? That's not right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said:"They file a lawsuit against teaching Intelligent Design, and yet lead a Bible study? That's not right."

I'm in total agreement, but this is simply just the same weird logic of backward liberal thinking that protests the legitimate execution of a murderer, BUT strenuously object to anything interfering with abortion.

IOW,the death of an adult murderer is to be avoided, but an innocent babe is fair game.
