Sunday, February 15, 2009

Benefits of Secession

You probably saw my older post suggesting secession, and you probably thought I was crazy. This post, however, should show you that, although I'm still a nut, secession is a good idea. The best part of it would be just getting out of current troubles, and starting all over. A clean start is exactly what we need. We could look at all the mistakes the US has made and in the new country's Constitution make it as difficult as possible to repeat those. Think about it: seeing on the news "major US bailout about to take place" and not having to worry about it at all. Or seeing the crazy-high US inflation rates and knowing that you won't have to worry since your country's economy is solidly on the gold standard. And imagine being freed from the incredibly stupid Endangered Species Act. Or even sending DDT over to the poor countries that are plagued with malaria, something the US isn't allowed to do, since after getting rid of malaria here, the government banned it. Not to mention, no UN!!! Oil drilling!!! Nuclear power plants!!! I for one would be happy with just half of those benefits.


Anonymous said...

The fact that you say you're a nut and secession is a good idea in the same setence probably shows that secession is in fact a bad idea. Instead of a clean start by extracting ourselves from the problems in our society, what we need are people such as yourself to speak out and offer alternatives to the present battle we are facing but not to the point of secession. Running away is not the answer. The bully must be punched in the nose. The kid who runs away will always get his lunch eaten. Even if the lunch is nothing but a bologna sandwich it's worth standing up for. Once you maintain control of the sandwich you can add mustard and other condiments to it to make it better. It takes effort, ingenuity,fearlessness, and a drive to stand your ground. Stand firm grasshopper but don't be too rigid to where it is easy to knock you down.
divine bovine

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm with you - gotta be far better than what's in store for us right now!


Drake said...

Divine bovine, who the heck are you? The comment sounded incredibly similar to some people on the Dispatch forums. Also, me saying I was a nut is evidence against me? That's just the kind of thing someone on the forums would say, since very few people there have a sense of humor. It's called a joke.

Joel Smith said...

Holy Cow,

The problem with punching the federal bully in the nose is that he's a T-Rex. He devours those who punch. As long as the federal government exists secession is a good option. It's not running away. It's exercising the original intent of the US Constitution. Secession was one of the means implied in the document and understood by our founding fathers as a way to keep the central government under control. Secession plus the right to nullify unconstitutional federal laws were the checks the states originally had over the federal government. Tyrant Lincoln shredded both checks during the Second War of Independence.

I'm proud of Drake for thinking outside the box. I believe he will be part of the solution after our current fedral government goes belly up.