Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Truly Disturbing

Would you like to know something incredibly twisted? Well, I'll tell you anyway. For my current events in school, I needed to find some articles on euthanasia, which is essentially a doctor purposefully giving a lethal dose of medecine, or something else, to a patient when they request it. This is usually reserved for terminally ill patients, and sometimes for patients in extreme pain, but it's really nothing more than assisted suicide, which is wrong. Anyway, I googled "euthanasia," and was greatly disturbed by what I found. As I looked at the lists, I found that waaaaay over half of the links were protesting animal euthanasia, while the remaining links were mostly in favor of human euthanasia. Now, this may just be me, but I think there's something really wrong with that picture. However, I did find several sites that protested it, so hope is not lost... yet.

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