Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hooray! More Lincoln!

Like the picture? I edited it myself. Believe it or not, I've discovered more things with which to ruin Lincoln's reputation! Let's start with before the War itself. After most of the Confederacy had seceded, Lincoln suspected that the Maryland legislature would vote to secede. His solution was very effective: he simply arrested everyone he suspected, preventing the vote. After the Methodist Church sent a letter protesting Lincoln's tyrranical actions (including the War itself), he promptly confiscated all Methodist Church property in Maryland. Nice guy, talk about freedom of speech. One other story involves a senator who spoke out against Lincoln and was promptly jailed. When Lincoln saw that keeping him in prison was only making himself look bad, he exiled him to the Confederacy. Well, I guess I need to find a new president to bash, I'm nearly out of stuff about Lincoln.


Trebor Nevals said...

Yes, indeed. People tend to forget that history tends to sanitize itself as time passes. People forget the little negative bits and just see the vast positive ones. The golden days aren't nearly as golden as people tend to remember them.

Drake said...

What's truly irritating is that with Lincoln, all the little things he did sometimes were actually huge, but well-disguised, such as sending supplies to Fort Sumter. All the other things he did add up to such an enormous heap of garbage that it SEEMS impossible to miss.

Anna Gray said...

Lincoln was killed'm John Wilkes Booth.....I'm his ghost and I'm here to haunt your blog! WOOOOO! just kidding! 'Tis me Anna Gray, he did ddd by John Wilkes Booth, so there I'm saying something that DOES have to do with your blog.
Anna Gray

Drake said...

Anna Gray, you may not post here again! I have told you many times to post RELEVANT comments. Yes, it has to do with the subject, but nothing to do with the actual POST.