Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Should we Secede?

Yes, another one of my crazy, politically incorrect ideas. All right, it's not MY idea, but it's a really good one. If you read this blog, you probably know me, but if by some crazy chance you read this and have no idea who I am, let me explain how I feel about government. I am convinced that the more powerful the government, the worse. It's been going downhill since a few years after this country's founding, but especially since, guess who, Abraham Lincoln. I think that the South was completely right in seceding, and because of the whopper govt. we have today, I say we should do it again! Insane? Maybe. But the only other options for fixing our situation are:
(a) A magical change in majority opinion favoring deregulation and smaller govt.
(b) Start a revolution.
Answer A probably wouldn't happen based on the current trends, which are quite obviously in favor of socialism, and answer B would probably leave us worse off, not to mention the immense loss of life. This leaves us with secession.

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