Thursday, October 21, 2010

Christine O'Donnell's Non-Gaffe

Just copy and paste the address; I can't get the link to work.

Really, she's ignorant of the Constitution? I have a copy of the Constitution and its amendments, and I see nothing about so-called "separation of church and state." The First Amendment does nothing but prohibit Congress from establishing a national religion. In fact, the States used to have their own official religions.

The Left (actually, the Right, too, on occasion) cracks me up sometimes. They know nothing about the Constitution besides little sound bits they've been trained to spew, yet accuse Christine O'Donnell of being "ignorant" of the Constitution. In her "gaffe" she demonstrates a greater understanding of it than most Americans.

These people are nothing but smear artists, and if anyone's ignorant of the Constitution and its associated history, it's these Establishment mouthpieces. Yet, this is all that many Americans hear. Bring up nullification: "SLAVERY! RACISM!" Dare to bring up secession: "NEO-CONFEDERATE! RACIST!' Defending the Constitution? "IGNORANT! EXTREMIST!" Or how about militias? "WHITE SUPREMACISTS! NEO-NAZIS! TERRORISTS!" Ever seen a discussion between a libertarian and the media goons? It's all the good guys can do to say anything over extended versions of these sound bits. It's an embarrassment to the country. I don't know how anyone maintains any degree of respect for these people.

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