Sunday, March 21, 2010

Random Babbling About Various Random Things

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. This is just an assortment of things that I meant to post weeks ago. Brace yourself.

These are our four-egg-a-day hens.

Here we have a chicken captivated by the camera...

...And here we have one terrified of it.

In other news, here's this funny video.

And here's something funny and completely random. I recently bought the video game, The Conduit, and it has lots of unintentional humor. First, as you play through one level, you discover a neuro-toxin that turns people into mind-controlled "puppets." The guy giving you orders, John Adams (yes, as in the 2nd president) tells you that if the toxin enters the water supply, it could infect the entire DC area. Think about that for a minute. DC area full of mindless puppets. Apparently the toxin has already gotten into the supply, just look at Congress. Second, you find out that Adams is evil and leads an organization called "The Trust," which is behind the toxin. Turns out, there IS an actual "Trust" in real life, except that it is nongovernmental and has to do with government schools. Funny, both "Trusts" involve manufacturing drones and mindless puppets.

Further randomness. What is my opinion on conspiracy theories? I don't think the government caused 9-11, but it is entirely possible that they ignored warnings about the attacks. Don't say our government is above that, it happened on December 7, 1941 as well. I believe that global warming is a HOAX. I think Abraham Lincoln engineered the Fort Sumter incident. I don't think HAARP is some kind of weather-altering superweapon. I don't believe in 2012 doomsday. I don't think the world is run by shapeshifting alien lizard people. I don't know anything about the JFK murder. Area 51 doesn't hold aliens. I don't have a clue why I listed all these conspiracies, except that I had been planning to do an in-depth analysis of some of them a few weeks ago. Sometime I'll go on a rant about the atom bomb.

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