Thursday, June 25, 2009

Update on the home garden

In my post about riding out the economic crisis and having a good time as well, I mentioned that we planned to have three 3 by 8 garden beds for vegetables. Well, that has been changed to three 4 by 12 beds, along with two others along our fence which will be used as a sort of trellis for things like peas, green beans, cucumbers, possibly watermelons, and various other climbing plants. Also, we've decided on a coop design and figured out what kind of chickens we're going to get. Oh, yeah, and we've already built one of the garden beds and our compost pile is, er, composting well. Our tomato plant already has six tomatoes on it, and one will be ready to eat soon. My dad also pointed out that we have a wild blackberry patch growing behind our fence. Yum! Our pepper plant is making progress as well. So I guess you could say we're off to a good start.

Interesting fact, aside from actually constructing the beds, the gardening we're doing is virtually no work, so anybody can do it. With the economy tanking, I would advise doing it, even if you have limited space. Just do a little research and you'll be fine! In another post, I'll put up a list of good books on the subject.


Anna Gray said...

I can't WAIT for the blackberries to finish growing! Then we will have blackberry pie, blackberry jam, and other things with the name 'blackberry' in it.

Andrew said...

Awesome! What kind of chickens did you decide on?

Drake said...

Hahaha! I can't believe I didn't see the comments. (They go to my dad's e-mail for publishing) Andrew, we decided on Rhode Island Reds.