Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day: Just who are we honoring?

If it's only the soldiers who truly fought for freedom, then I guess we're just celebrating the patriots in the War for Independence, possibly the War of 1812, and the Confederate soldiers. Now, I have nothing against the soldiers themselves, but look back at all the wars we have fought (and are fighting) and ask yourself "Are/were our freedoms threatened?" Looking back, aside from the wars mentioned above, the answer is no. In fact, wars are more of a threat to our freedoms than any country around today. Most wars have been a means to gain more government power by scaring the daylights out of citizens. I'm not saying we shouldn't honor the soldiers who have died, but it should be in memory of those killed by the government who were essentially tricked into believing they were fighting for freedom. Memorial Day should give everyone a feeling of anger toward the government and its pointless wars and power grabs.

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